Entrants must complete the STEM Wizard student registration and upload required ISEF forms to be eligible to compete.
We are happy to announce that we have again partnered with STEM Wizard to streamline registration and organization. Please use the button below to register. The registration deadline for all projects will be announced soon.
Required Forms:
The following forms are required to participate at MTSEF:
STEMWizard Online Registration (deadline TBA)
MTSEF and ISEF Forms (print, complete as necessary, and upload during STEMWizard Registration)
When registering online, you will be asked to upload certain ISEF forms. Please use the ISEF Rules Wizard to identify which forms are applicable and must be submitted, which may include:
Abstract (required)
1 - Adult Sponsor (required)
1A - Student Checklist (required)
1B - Approval Form (required)
Research Plan with a Bibliography (required)
1C - Regulated Research Institutional/industrial Setting (if applicable)
7 - Continuation Projects (if applicable)
4 - Human Participants and Informed Consent Form (if applicable)
2 - Qualified Scientist Form (if applicable)
Human Consent form (if applicable)
5A - Vertebrate Animal SRC Form (if applicable)
5B - Vertebrate Animal IACUC Form (if applicable)
6A - Potential Hazardous Biological Agents Form (if applicable)
6B - Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue Form (if applicable)
3 - Risk Assessment Form (if applicable)
Teacher Signature Form (required)
Photo Consent Form (required)
You may elect to mail in the forms (postmarked by the deadline), but you must still register online by the deadline. Postal mail instructions are provided during online registration.
Please note that when using the "Human Informed Consent Form" that the form supplied is a sample form. While you can use it as is, because the fillable text blocks of this pdf form allow your text to shrink to a very small size which is often illegible, it is not suitable for overly long descriptions. In this case you will need to reproduce the content of the form in its entirety. Alternatively, you can use the form provided, but place a note in the “Purpose of the project:” block to see attached description of the project.
MTSEF 2025 Process Overview PowerPoint
Are you looking for ideas for your project? Check out the links and resources below!

Summary of Rule Changes for the 2025 MTSEF
2025 SRC and IRB Pre-Approvals
Projects requiring pre-approval CAN NOT be conducted until approval is received from the SRC or IRB.
IRB pre-approvals are now completed at the school-level. MTSEF will no longer pre-approve Human Participant Projects. More information is available at: https://student.societyforscience.org/human-participants
Are you unsure if your project will require pre-approval? Check the Rules Wizard
SRC meets monthly. Final project pre-approval submission deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Check International Rules for changes HERE
Notable changes for judging at MTSEF 2025
Judging will be conducted in person at Belmont University on Friday, March 21, 2025 (6:30-8:30 p.m.)
Students are required to create a posterboard
When presenting data, charts or graphs, make sure that information is clearly visible
There are no middle school limitations on number of projects this year